Case Study #1 Nurse Mo: Self Care, Travel Nursing, and Owning a Brand

I'm SO excited to share the first of MANY nurse features on this blog! My hope in sharing these interviews with you is that we can learn from each other's burnout experiences and recognize that becoming resilient is a journey. Each person finds things that work for them. Burnout is an unfortunately common experience but recovering from it is not one-size-fits all, what works for some people may or may not work for you. Please review my disclaimers page for more info. 

I want you to meet Nurse Mo aka The Resilient Nurse

If you're here for the good stuff (the interview), the video is at the bottom of this post. Keep reading if you want to hear some of the back story first! 

I met Nurse Mo at the 2017 Travel Nurse Conference in Las Vegas! I was able to sit in on a session where she shared her knowledge on starting a business and growing a brand. 

I met Nurse Mo at the 2017 Travel Nurse Conference in Las Vegas! I was able to sit in on a session where she shared her knowledge on starting a business and growing a brand. 

Just in case you're not able to listen to the full interview, I wanted to share my FAVORITE part of the whole conversation here on the blog. It's near the end when Mo answers the question, "How do you keep your spark for nursing alive?" 

"LOVE. I love my patients. I love my life. I love my business. And I love everything that this career has allowed for me. So, with love, some times comes a little bit of pain, comes a little bit of hurting, comes a little bit of upset. But at the end of the day, I'm in love with what I do."

Nurse Mo 2
Nurse Mo 1
Nurse Mo 3

FYI- this video is a little over 30 minutes long. I find easier to listen to longer videos while I'm getting ready in the morning, cooking a meal, commuting to work, or walking the dog. I'm all about multitasking. :) Bonus points if you listen to this while you're doing some kind of self care like getting a manicure/pedicure, exercising, or relaxing. 

And please bear with me, this is my first recorded interview and I'm still figuring it all out! You don't really see my face on the screen, other than at the very beginning and very end. Since Mo does most of the talking, it's not a bad thing, but there will be times when you'll hear my voice in the background and not see me. And speaking of hearing voices (in a non-schizophrenic way), Nurse Mo's audio is wonderful, mine was a little on the quiet side. Again, she does most of the talking so hopefully it won't be too annoying, but you may have to adjust the volume intermittently during this interview. I promise I'll get better at this. ;) Enjoy! 

Now that you know Nurse Mo, feel free to check out her on social media, her YouTube channel, and her website! 

The Resilient Nurse Website, Blog, and Shop

Nurse Mo TV YouTube Channel

Instagram: @iamnursemo and @theresilientnurse

Facebook: The Resilient Nurse