Burnout Research and Resources
The BEST time to learn about burnout is BEFORE it happens to you or someone you care about.
Early identification is key. If you start experiencing signs of burnout, these resources can help you identify the issue(s), build personal resilience, empower you to expect a healthy work environment from your employer, and ultimately help you keep your spark for nursing!
COVID-19 Resources:
Preventing a Parallel Pandemic: A National Strategy to Protect Clinician’s Well-being, New England Journal of Medicine
Coping with Stress, Burnout, and Trauma, Colorado COVID Healthcare Worker Resources
Clinician of the Future: a 2022 Report, Elsevier
Healthy Work Environments
Healthy work environments have a direct link to nurse burnout! Several national nursing organizations have developed position statements to define healthy work environments:
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), 2005, updated 2016
The Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN), 2018
Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), 2012, updated 2019
The list keeps growing! Message me if you’d like your organization’s position statement shared on this page.
Research and Studies about Burnout
The National Academy of Medicine released the report, “Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being,” 2019. (Download PDF for free!)
Georgetown University, “How Nurses Can Protect Themselves as They Work to Save Others,” 2018.
Impact of Nurses Taking Daily Work Breaks in a Hospital Garden on Burnout, 2018
The Relationship Between Professional Burnout and Quality and Safety in Healthcare: A Meta-Analysis, 2016
Nurse Staffing, Burnout, and Healthcare-Associated Infection, 2012
Burnout Prevention and Treatment: Techniques for dealing with Overwhelming Stress, 2018
Mayo Clinic- Job Burnout: How to Spot it and Take Action, 2015
Mind Tools- Recovering from Burnout: Finding Passion in Your Role Again
Take their Burnout Self Test
Texas A&M University- Self Help-Burn Out
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, specifically chapter 26: Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses: Role of the Work Environment and Working Conditions, 2008.
Danielle LeVeck from @nurseabnormalities: Nurse Burnout Is Real: 7 Risk Factors And The Top 3 Symptoms
Nurse Burnout and Quality of Care: Cross-National Investigation of Six Countries, 2010.
How Deep Breathing Effects Heart Rate and Blood Pressure with Acute Stress, 2005.
Resources for Ethics and Moral Distress.
Other Resilient People
Sarah Wells- New Thing Nurse
Elizabeth Scala- Nursing from Within
Erika del Pozo- Joy Energy Time
Annette Tersigni- The Yoga Nurse
Christy Hendricks- Change of Shift
“Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff,” one hospital’s program to improve their electronic health record.
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) has an amazing website FULL of health and wellness resources!
The Joint Commission (accreditation agency) released Quick Safety Issue 50: Developing Resilience to Combat Nurse Burnout , July 2019.
Ohio State University College of Nursing: LIVE WELL curriculum part of nursing student’s training. Includes Banding Together for Wellness program and MINDSTRONG program.
Self-Care Tips for the Holiday Season, Anna’s interview with the Daily Nurse
Peer Support Group
Code Lavender
Supporting Each Other Initiative
Workplace Culture Committee
University of Minnesota: Taking Charge of your Health & Wellbeing
National Academy of Medicine: Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience